Claire & Coopers Wedding

The rains were nothing short of generous as we began preparations for Claire & Coopers Wedding day.

Travelling from Parkes to Orange listening to a combination of big band music from New York band "Lucky Chops" whilst getting more excited as I drew closer to our Friday afternoon rehearsal at the Orange Hayshed. At one point I recall glancing into the review mirror of my car and seeing the huge heavy blue storm clouds.

I thought, "there's some rain in that!" but never gave it a second thought as I continued on my merry way.

Rehearsals went off without a hitch, everything was shaping up perfectly apart from noting that the rain and wind may cause us to move the Ceremony inside. I said my fond farewells and headed off into town to grab a much needed herbal tea and a friends house before trekking home, and then it happened.

My mum was travelling back from Bathurst she left me a voice message "there's some flood waters over the road, it's pretty hairy please drive safe". 10 minute's later I answer her call as I get down to the last drops of my tea "love dont leave Orange, you wont get through I'm stuck between flood waters!"

My dear friend I was visiting was like dude, crash here so I did but I didn't have anything on me apart from my speaker and legal paperwork! My carefully planned rustic outfit was hanging at home with no way to get to it! So at 7pm I went "Emergency Shopping"

Bless Kmart and Big W is all I can say! I got everything I needed I rang Claire to check in with her family and told her I may be showing up in my purple dress from today if I can't find anything! She said "as long as you are there we dont care" She's the sweetest!

Anyway! The actual Wedding day was absolutely perfect! The rain stopped, the ceremony was held outside, the other vendors such as Orange Djs were incredibly helpful with music and other things and everyone looked AMAZING!

I now have what I call an "oh shit kit" in my care that I take to every rehearsal it has everything in it if there is ever a chance, I can't get home I plan to never get caught out again!

Love & Laughs



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